联谊会 & 女生联谊会的生活

联谊会 and 女生联谊会的生活 Members

Mission Statement

The mission of the Office of 联谊会 & 女生联谊会的生活 at Indiana State University is to serve as an advocate and resource for the fraternity and sorority community. We provide our students with opportunities for personal growth, leadership development, and support in their pursuit of academic excellence which adds value to the student's holistic collegiate experience.

Fraternities and sororities encourage leadership growth, academic excellence, and pride in campus activities. Indiana State University's fraternities and sororities serve the campus community through leadership positions, involvement in on-campus activities, dedication to academics, and engaging in philanthropic and community service endeavors.

Indiana State University’s 联谊会 and Sorority Community is comprised of 28 fraternal organizations under the umbrella of four governing councils which include:

Learn more about the academic success of our community:

Spring 2023 Academic Highlights